The essential About BIMicon

About BIMicon

We started our BIM journey more than a decade ago, it was love at first sight when we adopted Revit 2008. We discovered how robust and novel software can improve our workflows and make us achieve much more.

After a few years of hustling creating content, setting up standards, and workflows, while working on projects, we concluded that this was definitely the direction the field must be heading to due to its efficiency and the number of improvements compared to old systems.

About BIMicon
About BIMicon

And now, we want to provide you the very foundation to start building your BIM system. In our experience, we know that the Pareto principle holds true:

The 80/20 principle states that 80 percent of the outcome comes from 20 percent of the input.

We create the best solution adapted to your needs, independently if you are just starting with BIM, or looking to boost BIM workflows.

No matter if you have started with 20% or 80%, we want to help you kickstart your BIM system by providing you what you need.

Contact us and we will help you build the optimal BIM system.